
Get Rid of White Stains on Your Teeth with These 7 Ways

When you talk about oral hygiene, you assume that dental hygiene is important. Apart from teeth, several other oral organs are important to keep clean. One of them is the tongue.

The tongue is sometimes covered with a white coating covering it on top. If this layer is left too long it can become a nest of bacteria.

Many things cause this white layer to appear. Starting from mushrooms, taking certain drugs, smoking, and drinking alcoholic beverages. Here's an easy way to clean the white coating on the tongue.

1. Toothbrush
Besides being used to brush your teeth, you can use your toothbrush to clean your tongue. The trick is to use the back of the wavy toothbrush.

But do it slowly so that this action doesn't hurt your tongue. After that rinse your mouth with clean water.

2. Using Tongue Cleaner
Besides using a toothbrush, there is a special tool for cleaning the tongue. So when you finish brushing your teeth, you can use the tongue cleaner to make this cleaning action perfect.

3. Consuming Healthy Food
Several types of healthy food are efficacious for keeping the tongue clean. Examples of these foods are strawberries, lemons, cheddar cheese, and apples. The natural content of this food can clean the white coating that is above the tongue.

4. Cleaning With a mixture of lemon and baking soda
The mixture of these two natural ingredients is a natural way to clean your tongue. You can apply it by rubbing both of these mixtures on the tongue and then rinsing with clean water.

5. Gargling
Always rinse your mouth after every meal. This action aims to remove food particles trapped between the teeth and be able to clean your tongue. Use mouthwash when gargling because the active ingredients in it are also able to kill bacteria that cause infection in the mouth.

6. Eat yoghurt
Candida fungus is one of the causes of the appearance of a white coating on the tongue. Meanwhile, yoghurt itself contains good bacteria, namely pro-biotics, which can kill this fungus and prevent it from growing.

7. Drink turmeric water
Apart from a mixture of lemon and baking soda, you can also drink turmeric water to clean the white coating on the tongue. Because turmeric contains anti-septic ingredients that are useful for cleaning your tongue.

Do not let the white coating on the tongue be allowed because it can interfere with the health of your mouth and teeth. So use the natural ingredients above to clean it.

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