
Take aspirin to prevent pancreatic cancer?

A recent study as reported by nytimes.com has proven that drinking low doses of aspirin can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer. Previously it was mentioned that the drugs used to treat headaches can also be used to treat heart disease.

In a 5-year study, the study, also published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, compared aspirin use in 362 pancreatic cancer patients. After examining age, gender, race, and the potential for other diseases, the researchers found that taking regular aspirin reduced cancer risk by 48%.

"So far we have not found a definite cause why aspirin can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer. However, one of the effects of aspirin is that it can boost your immune system," said a senior researcher from the Yale School of Public Health, Dr Harvey A. Risch.

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