
5 Ways to train brain acuity

The acuity of the brain often decreases with age. This is actually experienced by many people. But of course, you don't want to experience a decline in your brain's ability as you age, right? According to HealthFocus International, 85 per cent of adults over 50 have problems with brain acuity, while 70 per cent are concerned about brain diseases such as Alzheimer's or dementia.

To keep your brain sharp, you don't have to wait old. You have to maintain the health and ability of the brain from a young age. Here are some things you can do if you want to avoid problems related to brainpower in old age, as reported by App for Health (27/04).

1. Eat more omega-3s
Omega-3 fatty acids consist of EPA and DHA which can be obtained through fish and seafood or supplements. A 2014 study revealed that people who were deficient in EPA and DHA experienced a decline in mental abilities and memory two years faster than people who consumed enough EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA can be obtained through fatty acids in fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel.

2. Healthy fats
Researchers reveal that the Mediterranean diet is the best for maintaining brain health. The Mediterranean diet includes a lot of healthy fats that are obtained from plants and oils such as olive oil. Besides, this diet helps you avoid red meat, dairy products, and sugar, which can harm the brain.

3. Increase antioxidants
Eating a diet rich in antioxidants also helps improve brain health and memory. Some foods rich in antioxidants include berries, nuts, fruit, vegetables, coffee and tea. Because antioxidants often pass through the bloodstream quickly and leave the body, you should eat more antioxidant-rich foods, including when snacking or eating.

4. Watch your weight
You might think that weight and brain don't influence each other. This is a wrong assumption. Several studies have shown that body weight also affects brain function and memory. Being overweight can lead to decreased cognitive abilities and decreased memory. A study even revealed that a waist circumference that is too wide can increase the risk of dementia in old age by up to two times.

5. Increase activity
An active lifestyle not only affects body fitness but also brain health. Many studies have found that seniors who have an active lifestyle are less likely to develop dementia. They also have faster brains and better memory than adults who have a passive lifestyle and rarely exercise.

Those are some ways you can do to keep your brain healthy to stay sharp. Do the things above to keep your memory maximized and avoid various kinds of brain diseases.

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