
Anti-snacking pills have been invented!

This is good news for those of you who are afraid of gaining weight because of your snacking habits.

A study conducted at Imperial College London managed to find a pill that is claimed to stop your snacking habit. This as-yet-unnamed pill uses acetic acid as its ingredient. This is because when acetic acid enters the body, it sends a signal to the brain and tells you when to stop eating.

"Acetic acid is a natural ingredient found in vegetables and fruit. This acid when released into the body signals the brain to tell you to stop snacking," said Professor Gary Frost. "But unfortunately acetate is only active for a short time in your body. Therefore we are still working to develop a pill that lasts longer and is digested in the intestines more slowly".

In addition to taking these pills, Frost also provides options for you to consume more fruits and vegetables. Because the content of acetic acid comes from these two natural foods and of course consuming natural ones is better for your body's health.

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