
Do not smoke in front of the children!


Smoking has long been rumoured to be an unhealthy habit that can not only threaten the health of active smokers but also passive smokers or people around the smoker.

Even dailymail.co.uk reports that children whose parents smoke are at risk of permanent damage to their blood vessels.

The study included 2,401 children from Finland and 1,375 children from Australia whose parents smoked. Then they go through an ultrasound examination to see their health condition. The result, it was found that they have the potential to experience thickening of the artery walls in adulthood. This thickening of the artery walls will lead to other dangerous diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.

"This study shows that exposure to secondhand smoke causes direct and permanent damage to the arterial structure. Therefore, parents who are smoking should rethink their habits," said Dr Seana Gall, a researcher in cardiovascular epidemiology at the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania.

Smoking habits can have a negative impact even on the people you care about. So still thinking about continuing this habit?

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