
7 Ways to prevent children from being obese

Obesity in children is nothing new nowadays because more and more children are being obese. Lifestyle is an important factor in why this happens. Too much eating and not balanced with physical activity is an example. Not to mention the increasing number of processed foods consumed by the baby.

Here's how to control your baby's diet as reported by boldsky.com.

Expand the vegetables
Include more vegetables in your baby's diet. If they don't like it, you can work around this by making these vegetables more attractive and delicious so that they will learn to love vegetables.

Choose low-calorie foods
Check the number of calories in the food you are going to give your baby. For example, choose lean meat, poultry, fish, and nuts as protein sources. This can provide adequate nutrition to your baby without increasing your baby's weight.

Drinking water is an effective way to control the eating habits of your obese baby. Drinking enough water will also help your little ones stay hydrated throughout the day.

Avoid junk food
One of the causes of obesity in children is the junk food they consume. Additives, preservatives, and additional flavourings in it are not at all healthy, so don't give your kids junk food anymore.

Limit consumption of sugar
Sugar can also be a cause of obesity in children. So limit the consumption of sugar in the baby. One way is to limit the number of sweet snacks.

Don't let your meals in front of the TV
Eating in front of the TV can become a habit that makes your baby obese. So don't let them eat in front of the TV. Ask them to eat directly at the dining table so that they really enjoy the food in front of them.

Provide emotional support
Providing emotional support to the baby is also an important way so that the baby can avoid obesity problems. Because self-doubt can make them emotional eaters.

Obesity in children can be a terrible thing because it can put them at risk of chronic disease at an early age. Therefore, apply the tips above to cure obesity in children.

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