
Smoking can cause the loss of bitter taste on the tongue!


Are you a smoker and trying to break this bad habit? Better try to stop it. Because according to research reported from indiatimes.com, the ability of a smoker's sense of taste to taste bitter will continue to decrease because of this habit.

The research team from Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in France tested the ability of 451 participants, who were smokers and non-smokers to recognize four basic tastes, namely sweet, sour, bitter and salty. As a result, 1 in 5 smokers could not correctly recognize the taste, including the bitter taste.

"The accumulation of tobacco or the combustion of tobacco products can reduce the ability of the sense of taste to taste food or drink. Not the only bitter taste. It turns out that they also have a low sensitivity to taste other tastes. This can indirectly harm health. For example, if a smoker cannot taste the salty taste of a dish, he will add a lot of salt to the dish. Even though consuming a lot of salt can cause high blood pressure, "explained Nelly Jacob, one of the researchers.

So you still want to continue the smoking habit? All decisions are yours.

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