How often do you spend your time playing on your phone or using your phone? The answer may be quite frequent or even that you cannot be separated from your cell phone.
Using a cell phone is especially important for those of you who have high mobility and are thirsty for information. But using it excessively can also cause many health problems for the body.
There have been many studies that show that using cell phones excessively can reduce the quality of your health. One of them is the research that was launched from
Research conducted at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois recently found that blue light on cell phones can dramatically increase a person's weight. It can even result in obesity.
This study involved 10 healthy adults who were divided into 2 groups. The first group was asked to minimize cellphone use. Meanwhile, the second group was allowed to use cell phones as freely as they wanted. The result, the participants in the second group experienced a significant increase in appetite.
"The blue light on the cellphone turns out to be able to affect your production of the hormone melatonin when you sleep. This light can reduce the level of this hormone production. As a result, your metabolic system becomes chaotic and sleep patterns will be disturbed. If these two things are disturbed, then naturally "There will be an increase in appetite. Unfortunately, this increase in appetite is not matched by an increase in the metabolic system so that it can cause obesity," said Ivy Cheung, one of the researchers.
With the discovery of this research, he also suggests that you use your cell phone wisely. Do not let your health be sacrificed just because of cell phones.