Further understanding that all organs of the human body are structures that interact with each other to carry out their respective jobs just like parts of the human brain.
The human brain consists of more than 100 billion nerves, each of which is associated with 10,000 other nerves. The human brain works to translate the feeling of pain that we feel when we are stabbed by an object, translate the objects we see, and coordinate most of the body's movements, behaviours and homeostatic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.
The brain is also responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion, memory, motor learning and all other forms of learning. It's very complicated and a lot of work for the brain. Therefore, we must love our brains enough to avoid bad habits that are often underestimated.
Bad habits that make the brain not function properly, such as:
1. Lack of sleep
The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and restore capabilities. Lack of sleep in the long term will accelerate the damage to brain cells.
2. Smoking
Toxic chemicals in inhaled cigarettes, such as carbon monoxide, will block the blood's ability to transport oxygen throughout the body including the brain, resulting in rapid brain shrinkage. Nicotine can also reduce levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. As a result, fat transportation is disrupted to the point where it clogs blood vessels and blocks the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Smoking can also cause Alzheimer's disease.
3. No breakfast
Those who are used to not eating breakfast have low blood sugar levels. As a result, the supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less. The brain also needs to eat to work optimally.
4. Eating too much
Eating too much, especially with high-fat content, can result in the hardening of the blood vessels of the brain due to the accumulation of fat on the inner walls of the blood vessels. As a result, the ability to work the brain will decrease.
5. Consuming too much sugar
Consuming too much sugar can also interfere with the absorption of protein and nutrients. As a result, there is a nutritional imbalance that will interfere with brain development.
6. Not wearing air pollution masks
The brain is the biggest oxygen consumer in the human body. Inhaling polluted air reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain which can reduce the efficiency or working power of the brain.
7. Cover your head while sleeping
The habit of sleeping with the head covered can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the process of inhaling oxygen which can cause damage to the brain.
8. Less stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the most appropriate way to train our brains. Lack of stimulation of the brain can reduce the ability of the brain's nerve cells to work, causing the brain to shrink.
9. Rarely communicate
Communication is needed as a means of spurring the ability of the brain to work. Communicating intellectually can trigger optimal brain function. Rarely communicating will cause the brain's intellectual abilities to be less trained.
10. Think hard when sick
Working too hard or forcing one to use the mind when sick can cause excessive fatigue in the brain and reduce the effectiveness of its work it can damage the brain.