So far, many people believe that smoking helps them lose weight. Cigarettes are believed to help suppress their appetite. But a recent study revealed that it was just a myth. Smoking habits actually make women fat faster.
This research shows that smoking will weaken a person's ability to taste fat and sugar. Women who are overweight will not be able to measure how much fat and sugar they consume so they will eat more calories without realizing it.
These results were known to researchers after observing several groups of women. They were asked to taste the vanilla pudding which contained different amounts of fat and sugar. The women were then asked to rate the vanilla pudding.
Women aged 21 to 41 years were divided into four groups, including groups of obese women who are smokers, obese non-smokers, women who have ideal weight but are smokers, and women with ideal weight who are not smokers.
"Compared to the other three groups, smokers who are obese have more difficulty tasting sweets and fat in food. They also feel less satisfied with tasting the pudding," said Dr. Yanina Pepino from Washington University School of Medicine, as reported by the Daily Mail (04/04) ).
This study found that smoking habits will make the sense of taste of obese women decrease. As a result, they can't taste the sugar and fat in food and end up consuming more calories.
Previous studies have also linked smoking habits with more food consumption, including fatty foods. This even applies to smokers who are not obese or overweight.