In the afternoon and evening, energy is usually low and drained due to intense activity. Though there are still other activities waiting to be done. When people lack energy, they will immediately consume energy drinks or coffee containing caffeine to regain their energy.
Even though these drinks are full of sugar which is not good for health and only provides instant energy that doesn't last long. If you often feel short of energy during the day or evening, don't consume coffee or energy drinks. Instead, try consuming these five natural foods (03/04).
1. Beans
Nuts are filled with healthy fats that can increase energy in the body. In addition, nuts are also rich in protein, omega-3,and vitamins B and E which can add energytor activities.
2. Yogurt
Yoghurt is rich in magnesium which is important for the release of energy in the body. If you often feel short of energy, try consumingyoghurtt as a snack. Besides containing magnesium,yoghurtt also contains glycogen which is suitable for consumption after hard work.
3. Eggs
Unless you have an egg allergy, feel free to eat these foods when you're low on energy. Eggs are rich in protein and amino acids which help build muscles. In addition, for people who lack energy, eggs can providean additional energy supply and make you energetic again.
4. Nuts
Nuts are a good source of protein,fibrer, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients provide additional energy for the body and are suitable for consumption when you start to lack energy.
5. Bananas
You are certainly no stranger to bananas. If all this time bananas have always been associated with digestive health, now bananas are also known as foods that can increase energy. Bananas have a healthy combination of sugar andfibrer, so this one fruit is suitable for providingan energy supply to the body. You can consume it directly or mixed with cereal at breakfast.
When you start to lack energy, remember the five foods above. Some of them can be consumed as healthy snacks and certainly support all your activities. Remember to consume this food responsibly, don't eat them too much. If you have an allergy to the foods above, do not consume it and consult with your doctor. Good luck!