
How drinking alcohol damage your 5 body's internal organs!

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that is commonly consumed in various forms such as beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails. It is made by fermenting grains, fruits, or vegetables and contains the chemical compound ethanol, which is responsible for its intoxicating effects.

While moderate alcohol consumption may have some potential health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and certain types of stroke, excessive or chronic alcohol use can have harmful effects on the body. Alcohol can negatively impact multiple organs and systems, including the liver, stomach, kidneys, heart, and lungs.

1. Action on the stomach.

One of the most dangerous impacts of alcohol consumption is its effect on the stomach, leading to a condition known as dyspepsia. This condition can result in a sense of nausea, emptiness, prostration, and distention, leading to a loathing for food and a craving for more drink.

2. How the liver gets affected.

The liver is another organ that is highly affected by alcohol consumption. Continued use of alcohol can lead to structural changes in the liver that can be fatal. Alcohol can prevent proper dialysis and free secretion in the liver, causing the liver to become large due to the dilation of its vessels and the surcharge of fluid matter. This leads to the shrinking of the whole organ in its cellular parts, causing dropsy and fatty liver.

3. How the Kidneys deteriorate

The kidneys also suffer due to the excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcohol can cause the vessels of the kidneys to lose elasticity and power of contraction, leading to fatty modification in the minute structures within them. This can result in albumin from the blood easily passing through their membranes, leading to a gradual loss of power in the body.

4. Congestion of the lungs.

Alcohol also has a negative impact on the lungs, as it relaxes the vessels of the lungs easily. When subjected to rapid variations in atmospheric temperature, the lungs get congested, leading to sudden fatal congestions during severe winter seasons.

5. Alcohol weakens the heart.

Consumption of alcohol greatly affects the heart, leading to changes in the membranous structures that cover and line the heart, resulting in permanent valvular disorder. The muscular structure of the heart can also fail due to degenerative changes in its tissue, leading to reduced power of contraction. Those who suffer from these organic deteriorations of the central and governing organ of the circulation of the blood learn the fact so insidiously that they hardly notice it until the damage is far advanced.

Moreover, alcohol use disorders can also lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. Excessive drinking can also increase the risk of accidents, injuries, and certain types of cancer.

In conclusion, alcohol has a severe impact on various internal organs in the body. Its continued use can lead to irreversible damages that can be fatal. It is essential to consume alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether to protect our internal organs and overall health.

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