Carrying out regular tests is very useful for maintaining health and preventing disease, not only for men but also for women. Doing a healthy lifestyle is not enough, women must also be aware of the signs of disease that arise from their bodies.
Carrying out routine checks is not only good for preventing disease, but also provides comprehensive health information for women. Here are some of the most important types of tests that women should take, as reported by Health Me Up (06/05).
1. Thyroid health
Thyroid problems are five to 10 times more common in women than men. Research shows that more women develop thyroid disease than men. For that, women need to be aware of problems that attack their thyroid. Performing simple tests such as TSH, T3, and T4 with anti-TPO will help women know if they have a thyroid problem and get it treated right away. If unknown, this thyroid problem can lead to a more serious disease.
2. Bone health
Women also have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures. Women usually have smaller bones than men. In addition, the hormone estrogen that is in women and is tasked with protecting bone health is also reduced when women experience menopause. Having regular bone health checks will help women know the state of their bones. That way women can immediately take action when they find out their bones are brittle.
3. Blood test
Blood tests can reveal a lot about women's health. This is one of the most important tests women take. Blood tests will help women know when they have an infection or tend to develop anaemia.
4. Cholesterol level
Currently, many people are aware of the level of cholesterol in their bodies. Cholesterol that is too high can indeed lead to various diseases, such as stroke or heart disease. Carrying out a test to find out the cholesterol level will help a person control their cholesterol level so they can be careful when eating foods that are high in cholesterol.
5. Test for cervical and breast cancer
The screening will help women determine their risk of developing breast or breast cancer. Knowing cancer sooner is better because cancer is easier to treat and cure if found early. Deaths from cervical cancer or breast cancer can also be avoided by early treatment.
Those are some tests that can be done by women to prevent disease and maintain health. Have you done the above tests?