Older women who are in good health are at risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems if they consume more than 2 cans of diet soda per day.
The research presented in a health seminar conducted at the American College of Cardiology also added that the death rate due to this bad habit had increased by 50%.
This 9-year study found that cardiovascular problems such as coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, heart attack, ischemic stroke, peripheral artery disease and cardiovascular death occurred in 8.5% of women who consumed more than 2 cans of diet soda each. day.
"Research shows that even though the drink is called diet soda, it contains added sugar which can increase the risk of metabolic-related diseases in a person's body. When the metabolic system is not running well, they will experience weight gain and an increased risk of diabetes," he explained. Ankur Vyas, one of the researchers.
"There is even a chemical compound in these drinks that affects the brain center to increase appetite," he continued.
He also added that this study still needs further research on other possibilities that diet soda can cause on a person's health.
When a person gets older, the metabolic system in his body will decrease. Therefore, it is better if you avoid eating foods that contain lots of chemicals so that they don't have a bad impact on your health.