Vinegar is one of the ingredients that are always in your kitchen. Whether it's used for preserving food, cooking spices, or even as a natural ingredient for cleaning household furniture.
But did you know that consuming vinegar can help you in your weight loss program?
A study as reported by states that vinegar which is rich in minerals, vitamins and amino acids can reduce your weight. This is because these natural ingredients can lower triglycerides in the body which are responsible for increasing fat in the body. So that when the triglycerides drop, you can avoid gaining weight.
"About 2 teaspoons of vinegar that you consume can reduce the body's response to glycemic foods by about 20%. This means you will feel full quickly and be able to avoid extreme hunger," says a study from the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.
Even so, you should still pay attention to the amount of vinegar you consume. Because the acetic acid content in vinegar can cause throat infections.