
Teeth and gum problems can cause heart disease

Oral health problems tend to be ignored by many people. Not many people know that problems with the mouth, including problems with teeth and gums, can actually have an impact on heart health. Recent research has shown that dental and gum health problems can increase risk factors for heart disease.

The study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, reveals that oral health problems such as bleeding gums or loose teeth can increase heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, raised cholesterol levels and waist circumference.

These results were found by researchers after observing 15,828 people from 39 countries. All participants had experienced coronary heart disease and had at least one risk factor for heart disease. Researchers then collected data that contained lifestyle, oral health, how many teeth they had, and whether they had bleeding gums.

Participants also did blood tests and physical examinations. Nearly 70 per cent of the participants were also identified as smokers or former smokers. It is known that a quarter of the participants experienced bleeding gums when brushing their teeth and 41 per cent of them had less than 15 teeth.

Through this study, not only was it found that there was a link between dental health problems and risk factors for heart disease, but also a link between dental disease and increased biomarkers of heart disease, as reported by the Huffington Post (15/04).

This isn't the only study that has linked oral health to the heart. A 2011 study revealed that regular dental care once a year can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. While other studies have also shown a link between gum disease and an increased risk of obesity.

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