
 How drinking alcohol damage your 5 body's internal organs!

How drinking alcohol damage your 5 body's internal organs!

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that is commonly consumed in various forms such as beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails. It is made by fermenting grains, fruits, or vegetables and contains the chemical compound ethanol, which is responsible for its intoxicating effects.

While moderate alcohol consumption may have some potential health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and certain types of stroke, excessive or chronic alcohol use can have harmful effects on the body. Alcohol can negatively impact multiple organs and systems, including the liver, stomach, kidneys, heart, and lungs.

1. Action on the stomach.

One of the most dangerous impacts of alcohol consumption is its effect on the stomach, leading to a condition known as dyspepsia. This condition can result in a sense of nausea, emptiness, prostration, and distention, leading to a loathing for food and a craving for more drink.

2. How the liver gets affected.

The liver is another organ that is highly affected by alcohol consumption. Continued use of alcohol can lead to structural changes in the liver that can be fatal. Alcohol can prevent proper dialysis and free secretion in the liver, causing the liver to become large due to the dilation of its vessels and the surcharge of fluid matter. This leads to the shrinking of the whole organ in its cellular parts, causing dropsy and fatty liver.

3. How the Kidneys deteriorate

The kidneys also suffer due to the excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcohol can cause the vessels of the kidneys to lose elasticity and power of contraction, leading to fatty modification in the minute structures within them. This can result in albumin from the blood easily passing through their membranes, leading to a gradual loss of power in the body.

4. Congestion of the lungs.

Alcohol also has a negative impact on the lungs, as it relaxes the vessels of the lungs easily. When subjected to rapid variations in atmospheric temperature, the lungs get congested, leading to sudden fatal congestions during severe winter seasons.

5. Alcohol weakens the heart.

Consumption of alcohol greatly affects the heart, leading to changes in the membranous structures that cover and line the heart, resulting in permanent valvular disorder. The muscular structure of the heart can also fail due to degenerative changes in its tissue, leading to reduced power of contraction. Those who suffer from these organic deteriorations of the central and governing organ of the circulation of the blood learn the fact so insidiously that they hardly notice it until the damage is far advanced.

Moreover, alcohol use disorders can also lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. Excessive drinking can also increase the risk of accidents, injuries, and certain types of cancer.

In conclusion, alcohol has a severe impact on various internal organs in the body. Its continued use can lead to irreversible damages that can be fatal. It is essential to consume alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether to protect our internal organs and overall health.


List of daily habits that cause bad breath that you should pay attention to

List of daily habits that cause bad breath that you should pay attention to

Bad breath often makes us feel less confident and anxious. Instead of wanting to prevent bad breath, using mouthwash, eating chewing gum, and eating candy becomes a 'mainstay' that is often done.

But does it work? The answer worked, but only temporarily. After you don't do this anymore, bad breath comes back.

So, for those of you who often feel insecure and anxious because of bad breath, check out the list below that becomes a bad habit and causes bad breath, as quoted by the Mayo Clinic page:

1. Smoking

One that can cause bad breath is smoking. That's because those who smoke or use tobacco are more likely to develop gum disease and other conditions that can potentially increase bad breath.

2. Lack of Liquid

If you are a person who tends to be lazy to drink water, from now on, try to get used to it! You should know that keeping your body hydrated affects many things in your body.

Starting from being more focused, and preventing headaches, to keeping you free from canker sores and chapped lips. When you are reluctant to consume water according to your body's ideal intake, it can affect saliva production.

In medicine, it is called xerostomia. This condition occurs naturally during sleep and gets worse when sleeping with your mouth open. Apart from rarely drinking water, xerostomia can also occur due to side effects of using certain drugs and nervousness.

One of the symptoms of dry mouth or xerostomia is the appearance of canker sores, a rough tongue, and chapped lips. If this condition lasts a long time, it's a good idea to consult a doctor immediately.

3. Delaying Eating

The habit of delaying eating is certainly not a good thing. Why? When the body feels hungry and you put it off, it can cause several problems in the body. Starting from ulcers to gastric acid reflux and the most severe is GERD.

Acid reflux disease is a condition that causes stomach contents, such as undigested food, regurgitated bile, and stomach acid, back up into the oesophagus. Well, this is what can cause bad breath.

4. Poor Dental Hygiene

If you don't keep your teeth clean every day, it has the potential to cause bad breath. There are many contributing factors, ranging from dentures that are not cleaned regularly, periodontitis or gum infection, to leftover food stuck in the teeth.

Now bad breath starts from leftover food stuck in the teeth to form bacteria (plaque).

If not cleaned, food can irritate the gums and eventually infection. Therefore, it is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day, every morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed.

To get thorough dental hygiene, it's a good idea to visit the dentist regularly or once every six months. Then, reducing the amount of sugar in the diet can improve oral health and overall well-being.

Then brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. For toothpaste, it is recommended to choose a product that contains fluoride to provide maximum protection from cavities while making teeth 10 times stronger.


Ways to improve your sleep quality for better health

Ways to improve your sleep quality for better health

Getting enough quality sleep at night is crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. It can help you feel more energized and effective throughout the day. On the other hand, lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can have negative effects on your health and productivity.

One common cause of poor sleep duration is the habit of staying up late every night. To improve your sleep routine, try going to bed and waking up at regular hours, even on weekends. This can help reinforce your natural sleep cycle. Avoid eating too close to bedtime and limit activities in your bedroom to sleeping only.

Preparing for the next day can also help form healthy sleep habits. Take time to organize your schedule and prepare your clothes or bag for the next day. This can help you relax and feel more in control, leading to better sleep.

Engaging in calming activities, such as reading or stretching, before bed can also help you fall asleep faster. Taking a shower before bed can lower your body temperature and initiate sleep. It is important to regulate your breathing and avoid too much stimulation before bed to help your body relax.

If you find yourself unable to fall asleep due to racing thoughts, try writing down your concerns or to-do list before bed. This can help you organize your thoughts and calm your mind, leading to better sleep.

By adopting a good sleep routine, you can ensure that you are getting enough quality sleep to support a healthy body and mind. So, take the necessary steps to improve your sleep habits and feel the difference in your daily life.


8 Healthy foods that pregnant women should eat in the first trimester

8 Healthy foods that pregnant women should eat in the first trimester

During pregnancy, it is very important to regulate and adjust the diet that we have. This is very important considering that a pregnant woman needs to meet the baby's nutritional needs.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a crucial phase for a pregnant woman. At this time, you have to be very careful about your nutritional needs during the early months of pregnancy.

At this time, you should make special provisions for food to be consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Several foods can be especially suitable for consumption during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Consuming the right food can be a way to meet the nutritional needs of the mother and the baby she is carrying. As reported by Boldsky, there are several foods that are important to consume in the first trimester of pregnancy.

1. Almond nut

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and protein. These nutrients can help pregnant women get an added dose of protein during the first trimester.

2. Spinach

Spinach contains high amounts of calcium and iron which give the pregnant woman's body a boost to produce more blood. This can help increase the volume of blood flowing to the uterus.

3. Orange

Oranges have a lot of vitamin C which can build the mother's immunity to fight infections. This fruit also contains folic acid which can prevent babies from being born with defects.

4. Asparagus

A person's body cannot process calcium in the body without vitamin D. Asparagus is a vegetable that contains Vitamin D and has an aromatic smell that can overcome the problem of morning sickness.

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is a superfood that has several benefits for the body. In the first trimester of pregnancy, broccoli serves as a food source rich in iron to form blood cells.

6. Egg

Eggs have protein, vitamin D and calcium, making them a complete food for pregnant women. You can boil, fry or scramble it to benefit from this food.

7. Salmon

Pregnant women are not recommended to eat seafood such as shrimp and crabs because they can cause allergies. However, salmon has high amounts of calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D which are safe foods for pregnant women in their first trimester.

8. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a calcium-rich dairy product that has several health benefits. In the first trimester of pregnant women, yoghurt is a drink that is easily digested and can help calm the stomach.

For pregnant women in the first trimester, a number of these foods are very suitable for consumption. Therefore, you should eat these foods so that the health of your pregnancy is maintained.


5 Reasons you should take a shower after going outside

5 Reasons you should take a shower after going outside

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to change our daily routines in various ways. One of the recommended habits that have emerged during this time is taking a shower immediately upon entering our homes. While this habit is essential for preventing the virus from entering our homes, there are also numerous benefits to be gained from it.

Here are some reasons why you should consider making showering when you enter your home a regular habit:

1. Prevent Skin Infections and Allergies

Our skin is exposed to a lot of dust and dirt when we go out, especially in areas with high air pollution. Taking a shower helps to wash away all the dirt and dead skin cells that can cause infections or allergies. Skipping a shower and jumping straight into bed means that the dirt can stick to your skin and sheets longer, potentially causing more harm.

2. Remove Odor

Our daily activities often lead to a lot of sweating, which can cause unpleasant odours from various body parts. A quick shower can help eliminate the bad smell and make you feel fresher and cleaner.

3. Relax

Taking a warm bath can help you relax and reduce stress. It can help lower your heart rate, regulate your breathing, and bring your body's metabolic system back to normal. This, in turn, can help you feel more relaxed and refreshed.

4. Improve Sleep Quality

The relaxed state induced by bathing can have a positive effect on your sleep quality. It can help you sleep better at night and prevent insomnia, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

5. Improve Mood

Finally, taking a shower can have a significant impact on your mood. The relaxing effect can help to improve your emotional state, making you feel better and more positive.

In conclusion, making showering when you enter your home a regular habit has numerous benefits. While it is essential for preventing the spread of the virus during a pandemic, it can also help to improve your mental and physical health in various ways. So, don't hesitate to add this simple and beneficial habit to your daily routine!


Is consuming coffee safe for your child?

Is consuming coffee safe for your child?

Coffee is undoubtedly one of the most popular drinks consumed by people of all ages, not just adults. With the rise of various types of coffee with milk, even younger people have started indulging in this beverage. But wait, is it safe for babies to consume coffee? Let's find out!

According to a recent study by the Boston Medical Center, a surprising 15% of toddlers consume half a cup of coffee per day. Crazy, right? It turns out that coffee is becoming increasingly accessible and available to children, leading them to develop a taste for it.

But hold on, caffeine consumption in children should be avoided. Drinking coffee is not recommended for children as it can cause health problems. The study conducted in Boston showed that toddlers who consume coffee between meals are three times more vulnerable when they enter Kindergarten. High doses of caffeine can even lead to heart attacks, which could be fatal!

This is because children have lower body mass than adults, and their bodies are not used to processing caffeine. Although coffee can make children feel more active, it can also cause severe sleeplessness, which can impact their health in the long run.

Therefore, it's important to limit the amount of coffee that children consume. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a strong stimulant and can be harmful if taken in large quantities over a long time. While coffee can be enjoyed in moderation, it's best to encourage children to drink healthier beverages like milk instead. These drinks are not only better for their health, but they're also less likely to expose them to the potential dangers of coffee.

In conclusion, while coffee can be a delicious treat, it's not for everyone, especially babies and children. It's crucial to pay attention to what your child is consuming and to limit their coffee intake to avoid any potential health issues. So let's keep our little ones healthy and happy by encouraging them to drink safer, healthier options.


Reduce stress levels by playing a smartphone for a while

Reduce stress levels by playing a smartphone for a while

Playing games on a smartphone all day or while walking is not a good habit, and can even be dangerous. However, recent research has revealed that playing games on smartphones can also have a good impact on mental health.

A recent study found that playing games on a smartphone can help people relieve anxiety or stress. This method can even be therapeutic for people who have moderate to high levels of anxiety every day, as reported by the Huffington Post (19/03).

These results were obtained by researchers after conducting a study of 75 people who had high levels of anxiety. Participants were asked to play a game on their iPod Touch for 25 to 45 minutes. The games being played are of course not random games, but games called attention-bias modification training.

The game makes anxious people focus on relaxing things like happy faces and makes them ignore bad things like angry-looking faces. This exercise is known to reduce anxiety in participants.

Afterwards, the researchers found that participants who played the game experienced lower anxiety compared to people who didn't play the game. They also found that even when played for a short time, the game was able to reduce anxiety and stress levels.