
The benefits of fasting, increase body immunity

Fasting has long been known to have a positive impact on your health. Many health experts say that fasting can make your digestive system healthier because fasting can cleanse and rest your digestive system.

In fact, that's not the only benefit of fasting. Because a study reported from dailymail.co.uk says that fasting is also able to make your immune system increase.

"When your body is hungry, your body's health system tries to save energy. One of the ways you can do to save energy is by recycling unnecessary immune cells. As a result, the body then sends signals to the stem cells to regenerating and rebuilding the entire system that was damaged. This process is able to produce a new immune system, "said Valter Longo, professor of health at the University of Southern California.

Thus, Professor Longo also said that you can avoid all kinds of disease attacks because your immune system increases.

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