Tseng Yi Wen, the name of this designer created a new type of cigarette called Tobacco. The thing that distinguishes its creation from the usual types of cigarettes is that it has a filter tip that is longer than the contents of the cigarette itself. He said that the idea came up when he thought of helping smokers to stop smoking slowly.
"We all know that quitting smoking is not easy. Forcing smokers to quit smoking right away is a difficult process. Therefore one effective way to help them quit smoking is to limit the amount of tobacco they smoke each day. "he explained.
"With a filter tip that is longer than the contents of the cigarette itself, it means that the amount of tobacco they inhale is less. So that the cigarette toxins that will stick to their bodies will also be reduced."
Yi Wen also added that at the top of the cigarette, numbers were printed with the aim that smokers would immediately be inspired to stop their habit.
"When you look at the numbers printed on cigarettes it will make smokers think that how many days in their life they have wasted by destroying health through smoking."