Actually, exercising regularly to improve fitness and health is important for all ages, both men and women. However, for women aged 30 years and over, exercise is even more important.
A study revealed that the physical activity of women aged 30 years and over is the most important to determine their heart health. Compared to other factors such as smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure, maintaining a healthy body is more important for maintaining heart health. For that, regular exercise is very important for women aged over 30 years.
These results were obtained by researchers at the University of Queensland after observing the health of 32,000 women in Australia. They found that a sedentary lifestyle was one of the risk factors for heart disease from the ages of 30 to 80.
"We advise many people to exercise more often and have an active lifestyle. Starting at the age of 30 years, physical activity often decreases. Everyone should be aware of that and continue to have an active lifestyle at that age," said lead researcher Wendy Brown, as reported by the study. by Healthy Living (08/05).
A sedentary lifestyle can increase a woman's risk of heart disease by 33 per cent for women in their 30s and 24 per cent for older women. Researchers suggest that women in their 30s do about 150 minutes of physical activity a day.
Brown also explained that the type of exercise you do actually doesn't really matter. As long as women do an active lifestyle every day, they can avoid heart disease. So, if you are in your 30s and are starting to notice that your activities are decreasing, you should increase your activity or take the time to exercise 150 minutes a day to keep your heart healthy.